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Year in Review: 2014

Year in Review: 2014

Jan 5, 2015
January 5, 2015
Posted by Cast Iron Design

Disclaimer: this post is over a year old and may be outdated. If you find any broken links or outdated information, please leave a comment on the post.

We’ve had a milestone year full of exciting changes and new ventures. We’re extremely grateful to be able to continue to do what we do, and for the people who make it possible. Here is a look at some of the things we did during our trip around the sun:

Cataloged 2+ Years of our Work

After spending hours researching equipment and technical aspects, we photographed our entire portfolio of work, with 13 new client projects. At the end of it we had shot over 5,000 photos. We’ve since vowed to never procrastinate on shooting our work—ever again.

Portfolio Shoot

Launched our New Portfolio Site

We redesigned our brand identity and created a new portfolio site that showcases our work and a little of our personality (as demonstrated in the gif below). The reception for the site and work has been incredibly positive, and has been featured in an array of media outlets including Site Inspire, For Print Only, Identity Designed, Aesse Visual Journal, Graphic Exchange, How Magazine, and BP&O, among others.

0000 03 CID Launch GIF Blog Size 20150105185433

Moved Into a New Studio

In August we moved into a new studio which we share with Tremper Creative (and Baso the dog, pictured below). We teamed up with our new studiomates to design simple artwork for the space, which we screenprinted by hand in our screenprinting studio (aka Jonny’s garage). We love having visitors to the studio if you’re in the Boulder area.

Studio Window Vinyl
Cid Studio

Designed a Webapp

We explored new territory and designed our first webapp. Huckle & Goose helps people cook seasonally using local, organic ingredients. Visit the site and take a peek at their ever-growing catalog of delicious, hand-picked recipes.

Branded a Brewery

One of the things we love about Colorado is the fact that it has some of the best beer in the world. We had the opportunity to design a brand identity and beer cans for Boulder’s newest brewery, Finkel & Garf.

Created a Llama Mascot

Cafe Che is a bit of an oddball, in a good way. We created a brand identity that matches the quirkiness of the restaurant. The identity was featured in the January 2015 issue of Computer Arts, an internationally distributed print magazine, with the title “Llamaliscious.”

Gave a Lecture and Workshop

We were asked by Northern Arizona University to give a lecture and workshop (a first for us) and it was a great success. We’ll be lecturing more in 2015, including Refresh Denver and Creative Mornings Denver.

A slide from our NAU lecture explaining our origin
A slide from our NAU lecture explaining our origin

Photographed Nature

We’re grateful to call the Rocky Mountain West our home. Our goal for 2015 is to set aside more time to enjoy the mountains, but we were lucky enough to get in a few great trips in 2014. Nature photography is a hobby for both of us (Jonny and Richard), so we’ve included a few highlights from this year’s bounty.

Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park
Elk at Rocky Mountain National Park
Bighorn at Rocky Mountain National Park
Bighorn at Rocky Mountain National Park
Red sand in Sedona, Arizona
Red sand in Sedona, Arizona
Prairie dog near our studio
Prairie dog near our studio
Marmot in action at Rocky Mountain National Park
Marmot in action at Rocky Mountain National Park

Made a Pocket Journal

As part of our mission to promote environmentally responsible graphic design, we created a small pocket notebook that promotes the benefits of using environmentally responsible paper and helps the reader make informed choices about which kind of paper to use. The notebook was far more of a success than we had anticipated, and we sold out of the first run within a few weeks of printing. We promoted it through social media, including a twitter campaign (excerpt below).

People that use recycled paper receive 70–130% more likes on their selfies. #retweetfortheplanet

Twitter campaign

Designed Something in Space

We designed a directional arrow that will be etched into a reaction wheel (a part which allows a spacecraft to change direction in zero-g) that will be going into space sometime in 2016. Checked one off the bucket list.

Space Arrow

The Year Ahead

We’re working on an array of exciting new projects in 2015 and we’re thankful to be continuing work with many of our existing clients. We’d like to express our gratitude to all our clients for their patronage and enthusiasm, and to our friends and colleagues for their support and encouragement. We wish you all the best in 2015!
